Recognised as some of Melbourne’s best gastroenterologists and gut health specialists.

Our services.



Consultations with our doctors can be made by contacting us via email or phone. An initial consultation generally takes 30 minutes and is the best way to determine the exact medical issues, investigations required, diagnosis and management.



Colonoscopy is a procedure where the doctor inserts a long thin flexible instrument called a colonoscope into the back passage, allowing direct inspection of the colon (or large bowel).

In order to get the best view possible your bowel needs to be cleaned out. You will be given details on which preparation kit containing laxatives to purchase from your pharmacy (or we may have given kit to you) and instructions on how and when to take them, and changes to your diet for the 5 days preceding the procedure. It is important to take plenty of clear fluids the day before the test, in addition to the laxatives.



Gastroscopy is a procedure where the doctor inserts a flexible instrument called a gastroscope through the mouth allowing direct inspection of the oesophagus (gullet), stomach and duodenum (upper small bowel). People with diabetes, heart-valve disease, pacemakers or on blood thinners, e.g. aspirin, warfarin, clopidogrel or NSAID’s may require special arrangements which should be discussed with your gastroenterologist.  


Intestinal Ultrasound

Intestinal ultrasound is a safe and non invasive way to examine the intestines. This is used in the assessment of Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative Colitis, IBS, Constipation, SIBO and other GI diseases. This requires a referral from your regular gastro or GP sent to us PRIOR to being booked. Your Dr can access our referral form here.


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.